Friday, July 26, 2013


People will always throw stones in your path. It depends on you what you make with them, a wall or a bridge? Remember you are the architect in your life. Build something worthwhile!

Sunday, July 21, 2013

It's Always Hard

Don't fool yourself. It's hard. Fighting all day and through the evening is exhausting, but you can do it! Although OCD will seem like he's holding you hostage, pointing a gun to your head, he has no bullets. It's an act. So no matter how terrified you are push though! Sometimes you'll have to go through the dark to get to a light.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Contamination ERP

Ever done anything completely gross? For those of us with OCD that mainly consists of touching handrails and picking objects off a dirty floor. Today our TWAARP group went to an interactive lecture called "Mudpies: The Fear of Contamination". Mud. Mudpies. Right? We can handle that! Wrong. Not mud. Carpet. Some of us in the group, have a huge fear of sitting on unfamiliar carpet. We started with every person sitting on the carpeted floor. Proceeding to touch the floor with our hands. Next, the therapist dumped a box of Tic Tacs on the floor and told us to eat one. Ew! Why? To face our fear. To prove we could do something completely out of our comfort zone. Afterwards, he brought  out ABC gum... (I thought I was going to die.) Almost all of the people in he room ate a piece. None in our TWAARP group could. Instead we touched the gum and licked our fingers. Absolutely horrifying. Not gonna lie, but we did it. AND LIVED! We even held the ABC gum! Although the experience was gross, minty, and filled with tears, but we have grown stronger from it. So next time you think you cannot do something think about us a TWAARP touching ABC gum then licking our fingers. Yep whatever your worried about probably won't kill you even though your terrified. Face it! So stay strong! Post your successes here!! 

Dealing with Perfectionism

Do you aim to succeed or are you afraid of failing? Seriously. Think about it. I know we are. Perfectionism is just a habit. So what if you're a try hard perfectionist? Trying harder isn't helping you. Its happened to all of us! You try something very hard and it leads to failure and then you beat yourself up. Then after beating yourself up you try harder. Guess what? It's a cycle. Work up the courage to try something way different from perfection!! You can guarantee it will be better but it's worth a try! Don't lose your life to trying to be perfect! It's impossible. 

OCD is like a Horror Movie

Sounds bad right? The first few times you watch it, you feel so scared you could die. But if you force yourself to watch it over and over again, it's less scary. You know the twists and turns of the movie and are prepared for what's about to happen. So stay strong! Remember that the thoughts in your head are just a TV screen, NOT YOU! :)

Friday, July 19, 2013


While at the International OCD Conference, we at TWAARP listened to a  lecture given by Dr. Patrick B. McGrath. During the lecture he said "Practice makes perfect right? Wrong! Practice does not make perfect. There is no such thing as perfect. Perfect is an opinion. Practice makes routine. Routines can be modified. Some work for you and some do not. The goal of therapy is to modify the ones that aren't working for you. Meaning if you are not perfect you will succeed!" 

OCD Conference

This weekend our TWAARP group is visiting the International OCD Convention in Atlanta, GA!! Wow who knew there were so many stress balls?! If your here give us a shout out here on our blog or on our website: